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Dragonfly PS Red Rosie - SOLD
DOB: 4/27/17

Poseidon's Dam:
SGCH Flat Rocks Charybdis 1*M *D VVEE 90
Best Udders Nigerian at the 2011 NDGA Nationals

Dam: Dragonfly HLJT Tersina VEEV 89

Maternal Grand Dam:
Rosasharn SP Honey Creeper 4*D AR

Poseidon's Sire:
PromisedLand Incredible Hunk +B *S
2011 National Premier Sire
Sire of 2016 Reserve National Champion
Photo Courtesy of Dragonfly Farm

Paternal Sister to Poseidon:
GCH Dragonfly IH Peregrine 1*M *D EEEE 91
2016 ADGA Reserve National Champion
Photos Courtesy of Dragonfly Farm

Paternal Brother to Rosie:
Dragonfly PS Atlantis
2019 Spotlight Sale Buck sold for $2,300

Tersina's Litter Sister:
Dragonfly HLJ Milk & Honey

Maternal Great Grand Dam:
SG Twin Creeks AH Chiaroscuro Udder 3D E 91.0 AR
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